Written Sun 11/1 - There are 3 weeks left before Ironman Arizona. This was another Peak Week and leg fatigue has been ruling my body all week. The first half of the coming week continues to be peaking with the very welcome taper starting on Thursday. The goal of the taper is to shed fatigue while losing a minimal amount of the hard earned conditioning. During the peak workouts I've had to keep reminding myself of the payoff in a few weeks. And I'm counting on are the hard work in the weightroom that has now stopped will now make this taper ever more effective as my legs and my whole body begin to recover and benefit from everything.
Thursday's 2 hour spin bike ride was yet another reminder that even when you don't feel "good" you need to persevere. It may take more than an hour before you start feeling right. Or you may not ever end up feeling right but that doesn't mean a good performance can't be had.
Saturday's 2.4 mile swim was the same distance as the Ironman swim. Though the time was 1 minute slower slower than my goal time, the water was overly warm. And if I'm off by a minute in the actual race it's certainly no biggie in a 12 hour race!
Sunday's brick workout was my longest ever: 4 hour ride and 1 hour run on a dirt track. It was informative in that I will have to base the run in the actual race on heart rate and perceived effort and NOT on mile pace times.
Continuing medicinal herb tea from my Oriental Medicine doctor for my pouchitis and physical therapy using the Graston Technique for the plantar f-ing-itis. No time for acupuncture.
Have nearly finished my written race plan.
Weekly Totals:
Swim 12,100 yd
Bike 9:00
Water Run 1:25/Treadmill 2:22/Road 1:03
Wt Training 2 times
Monday 10/26
Rest Day
Physical Therapy - Graston Technique
Tuesday 10/27
am Swim 3300 yd, Water Run 45 min
3,2,1; 3 x 100 Fly K on 2:05
7 x 100 Fr mod on 1:30
7 x 200 Fr (RPE*8) on 3:10 - 241, 240, 42, 41, 40, 30, 38
175 SD
Water Run 45 min
30 min at RPE8
pm Weights - legs, arm, core
w.u. 16 min treadmill
4 min walk, 10 min run, 2 min walk
Wednesday 10/28
am Treadmill run 60 min
5 min walk, 9 x (5 min run - 5.0, 5.5, 6.0mph, 1 min walk), 1 min walk
HR125/106; 426 cal
Zone3- 17:22, z2- 28:06, z1- 8:38
pm Spin Bike 2 hours
2 x 60 min classes
HR149/130 (78%); 1264 cal
Z4- 49:50, z3- 53:50, z2- 12:00
2nd class plan - stay between 65-79% HR
Thursday 10/22
am Swim 3250 yd, Weights - legs
3,2,1; 6 x 75 K on 1:35
4 x 100 Fr Mod on 1:30
8 x 150 Fr (RPE9) on 2:55 - 156, 55, 55, 55, 55, 56, 55
9 x 50 Fr on 55 - 36-37's
100 SD
Weights - legs
pm 2:00 Spin Bike at mod aerobic
55 min class, 65 min post class
HR ave 128 (77%); 1235 cal
Zone4- 29:17, z3- 1:17:36, z2- 10:05
Very tough ride - much leg fatigue. Wanted to be HR130-140 but just couldn't maintain. Last ~25 min was actually easier to push and HR was in that zone.
Friday 10/23
am Spin Bike Ride 60 min
60 min class
HR140/125; 595 cal
Z4- 22:11, z3- 25:28, z2- 6:23
Cut back from 1:30 planned ride due to leg fatigue.
Physical Therapy
pm no workout
Saturday 10/24
almost 9 hrs sleep
am Swim 4750 yd; weights - core
4225 Fr Time Trial - 1:01:05
200 fr split - 2:37
500 splits - 659, 709, 707, 712, 711, 713, 714, 713
pm 30 min water run at recovery effort, 1:06 treadmill run
Treadmill 5.75 miles
Zone3- 28:00, z2- 27:30
4 min walk, 2 x 5/1 run/walk @5mph, 2 x 5/1 @5.5mph, 4 x 5/1 @6.0mph, 2 x 5/1 @6.5mph, 3 min walk
Sunday 10/25
more than 8 hrs sleep
am Brick 4:06 bike ride, 1:03 run
Bike - 4:06, 68.5 miles
HR136/114; 2075 cal
Zone4- 4:12, z3- 2:00:00, z2- 1:35:32, z1- 12:10
4:30 transition
Run 1:03 on dirt track/path - walk 2 min, then 5min/1min run/walk
pm 800 ez Swim, 10 min ez Water Run
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