10 November 2013

4 - 10 November 2013 Training Log

With 2 weeks to go, this is typically a very focused taper week. I worked on getting all my training AND physical therapy in. I also tried to tie up some loose ends with preparation. Even though this will be my 6th Ironman and 4th one in Arizona I still go through checklists, equipment checks, and race plans. Every year there are slight variations in what I plan to do and use so, while I'm not starting from scratch, I AM thinking through everything. Some people take it more casually than I do but I don't want to leave things that I can control to chance. Too much time, money, and effort goes into one of these to do otherwise. Just my opinion.

By Monday evening I began to feel the taper and Thursday I felt supercharged compared to a couple of weeks ago. Sleeping in, having basically a full day of rest, and cutting the miles and fatigue is what it's all about and what makes the taper so effective. I admit getting anxious about voluntarily not working out at the usual level and voluntarily not training for an entire day!

Thursday was the first day I could really feel a difference in my muscles and my performance. I felt stronger and faster in the pool, and swam with more ease than I have in many months. I did an easy run as well, testing out the calf strain per my physio's instructions. While I felt no pain I did know the injury, be it a strain or a deep bruise, was still there. I held back, mindful that the race is THE important thing.

Friday was an off day. The calf wass feeling good and I was starting to feel some excitement. With fatigue dripping off and leaving my body I was at the beginning of feeling that sense of jumpiness, that feeling of "if I don't race soon I'm going to jump out of my skin!"

Sunday I did my run with an attitude FIRMLY planted in my head that, "This is NOT the race! 1 week still to go. Be SMART!" The run went well but I didn't feel great the rest of the day. It's a GI thing so it could be that pouchitis (my version of ulcerative colitis) is setting in. Looks like I'll be on antibiotics for the race. Spent much of the afternoon and evening organizing, packing, and prepping the bike.
Monday - Sleep in. Originally this was a recovery day. With the training interruptions and only doing a 5K walk on Sunday, I added in a 1 hour lunch time ride.
pm - :60 Road ride at lunch; Physio therapy; walk with Linda and the dogs
am - Swim 2600 yd; no run yet (being cautious with calf)
300S; 20 x 25 S RI 20s max - 5 fly, ba, br, fr
5 x (3 x 100 Fr on 1:30 or 1:35 [RI ~10s]) RIx 30s after each 3
300 CD
pm - :50+ Bike trainer ride - speed (being cautious with calf)
WU :15; 4 x (15s pick up/15s easy); :02 easy pedal
2 x (:05 Hard/ :02 easy)
CD ~:08
Wednesday - none - rest, sleep in; physio therapy
am - Swim 2,200 yd; run :37
300S; 6 x 50 K RI15s; 3 x 150P w/buoy RI20s max
300 Mtn RI10-15s/100 - 100Fr, 200Fr, 300Fr, 200Fr, 100Fr
:37 Walk/run - 6m WU, run/walk at 1m30s run, 1m30s walk; 5m CD
pm - Acupuncture; 2:15 Trainer bike ride
Friday - none - rest, sleep in; physio therapy 
am  - Swim (OWS) at Ventura Cove ~3500 yd; 2:23 Bike road ride at Fiesta Island
Open water swim (distances approx):
700S, 200K, 200 Fr Farlek
4 x 100 Fr RI45/60s; 400 ez
4 x 100 Fr RI45/60s; 400 ez
3 x 50 Fr Fast RI30s
300 CD
2:23 Road ride on Fiesta Island at tempo/race effort (after WU, before CD)
Sun -
am - 1:30 Run/Walk 
12 min walk warm up; 8.04 miles total

pm - pack and prep

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