07 December 2008

Sunday 7 December 2008

7:30am Swim 3200yd, 53 min; 9:45am Run 8+ miles, 1:21:30
5 x 100 IM on 1:45 - 128-130 - noticably slower. haven't been doing fly for at least a couple weeks due to 1st an inter-rib strain, then, 2nd left rotator cuff soreness
100 S
1800 Fr mod to fast - 25:19
500 splits - 703, 704, 7:00
200 SD

Run 8.3 miles, 1:21:30
Walk 5 min w.u.
Run 1.2 mile with Cali
Run ~4.5 mile at aerobic (HR130-139) with ~30 sec walk every ~10 min
Run 1.52 mile hard (couldn't get above HR150) - 12:25
Run (and walk) 1.1 mile with walk breaks at Recovery rate.
walk 5 min
overall excluding walks HR150/130; 859 cal

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