02 February 2009

December '08 - January 2009 mileage

The annual USA Triathlon National Challenge is going on through the end of this month, February. Triathlon clubs (and individuals) keep track of their mileage in each discipline and submit it, trying to be the top club in the US. Each club has up to 75 people reporting miles. There are about 1300 athletes nationwide keeping track and reporting in. After 2 months (Dec/Jan) I'm 27th overall with 46.75 swim miles, 1,155.23 bike miles, and 146.18 run miles, totaling 1,348.16 miles altogether. Essentially I'm merely sticking to my training plan for the California 70.3 on April 4 but I seem to be in the minority as far as "early" training goes. It's interesting to compare with others and it does give me a little confidence that I'm doing the right thing and will be ready for the half Ironman.

January was the Challenge's bike emphasis and I was 30th for bike miles last month. My totals for January: 22.68, 675.7, and 53.1, total 751.48 miles. With the foot injury my bike totals went up because I cut out some runs and doubled up on the bike. My running has suffered, though, and I'm concerned about coming events.

December was the Challenge's swim emphasis and I was 83rd for swim miles. I didn't do any extra focus on the swim. The totals for December: 24.07, 479.53, and 93.08, total 596.68 miles.

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