16 May 2010

Monday 10 May - Sunday 16 May 2010

Written 5/16 -  I would call this week a Preparation Phase. It was a good week; getting closer to being back to where I want to be. I still have 3 weeks until I start into my training plan. I need to be at a certain level of fitness before I can follow it. Upped the bike a good amount this week (hopefully not too much) and lifted 3 times.
Continued with physical therapy for the left foot. Hope I'll be given the go-ahead to run in a couple/3 weeks. We'll see.
Weighed in at 156.5 mid-week, though I porked out over the weekend.

Week Totals
Swim 3x - ~5700 yd
Bike - 4x Spin 3:49, 1x Road 2:03 (30.0 mi)
Run 3x water run 1:30; 3x eliptical :25; walk 2x
Strength Training - 3 sessions, 2 days 2 sets x ~15 reps, 1 day 3 sets ~12
Mon 5/10 not a rest day since I took Sunday, Mother's Day off (sort of)
Physical Therapy
Strength training - partial. wu 10 min Eliptical
Spin Class 60min
Zone1- 1, z2- 7, z3- 50.5, z4- 1, z5- 0
Tue 5/11 - am Swim 2000 yd, Water run 30 min
3, 2, 1; 8 x100 Fr on 1:30 - all 122
50 ez; 6 x 50 K on 65 - 4 fly, 2 fr;
3 OverUnders on 1:15; 100SD
30 min water run
pm - Strength training -finish
Wed 5/12 - 
am - 5 min ez pre- and 45 min Spin class
HR141/125; Zone1- 3.5, z2- 4, z3- 23, z4- 18, z5- 0
2nd class - 10 min pre-, 45 min class
HR140/126; Zone1- .5, z2- 6, z3- 34.5, z4- 14, z5- 0
pm - Cycling lecture by Jim Vance
Thu 5/13 - am - Swim 2200 yd, Water run 30 min
3,2,1; 5 x 200 Fr Fartlek 50 build, 50 ez on 3:10
6 x 50 K 4 fly on 60, 2 fr on 65; 25ez;
4 x 50 Fr on 55 - 34,35,35,35; 75 SD
30 min water run
4 x 20/40s
pm - strength training - partial
wu 10 min eliptical
Spin Bike Ride 65 min
5 min pre-, 60 min class
HR148/124; Zone1- 4.5, z2- 10, z3- 38.5, z4- 11.5, z5- 0
Fri 5/14 -am
Spin Bike 64 min - 4 min ez pre-, 60 min class
HR151/123; Zone1- 3.5, z2- 11, z3- 31.5, z4- 11.5, z5- 0
Physical Therapy - 5 min eliptical
Strength Training - finish
Sat 5/15 - am - Road Bike Ride 2:03 - Del Dios Hwy
30.0 miles; Speed 35.8/15.2 ave; HR 143/121
Zone1- 8.5, z2- 23.5, z3- 1:19.5, z4- 11.5, z5- 0
pm - 45min walk dogs
Sun 5/16 am - Swim buddy for Encinitas Sprint Triathlon 2x thru course ~1500yd
pm - 30 min water run
strength training mostly 3 x 12

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