14 July 2013

8 - 14 July 2013 Training Log

The cold that started on Friday of the previous week, settled in full strength on Tuesday morning. Energy was low and overall just felt pretty badly. Decided to be smart and not train. Also ended up staying home from work. I was surprised how long it stuck around. I think it didn't help that my body was adjusting to the elimination of antibiotics after 13 straight months of that. This was definitely not in the training plan and is a small setback to what I had in mind overall. Since I lost 4 days of training I adjusted Saturday's swim intensity but decided to ride long on Sunday as planned. The 5 hour ride was pretty tiring but I'm not at 100% after being sick. I think the overall impact will be minimal if any, since I have a pretty strong base of training as it is. I thought I would have had to back off more than I did, considering that Friday morning I thought I'd be going to work but was still dragging once I ate and got ready to go, before having a coughing fit.

I've messed with my ride nutrition a bit and the affect has been interesting. If I understand things right, I'm likely doing a lot of fat burning on the ride as I took in less than 400 cal in 5 hours. While I was craving something to eat near the end it wasn't until around 4 1/4 or 4 1/2 hours. Today was a "fasted ride" (except for the absolutely horrible movie popcorn and less than great dinner I regrettably ate the night before).

Weighed 159.5 on Mon. to start the week. Not at all impressed. Time for a food log. My trouble with a food log is that I don't measure things out so it would be a reality check. I have been craving sweets and carbs, perhaps another indication that things have not been in balance.

Week Totals - 10:45
Swim 1 times - Total 3750yd, 1:10
Bike 1 times - 1x Road 5:00 (82mi); 0x Trainer - Total 5:00
Run/Walk 3 times - 2x elliptical 1:15; 2x walk 2:10 - Total 3:25
Strength Training - 1x upper, 0x core, 1x lower - Total 1:10
am - Strength Train (delay core), WU Elliptical :10
pm - Elliptical run 1:05
Tuesday - up too late to swim in the morning
am - Walk 1:05 (15:56/mi) - fast effort except WU/CD
pm - sick, no workouts
Wed - Friday - sick, no workouts, stay home from work
pm  - Walk 1:05 (15:16/mile)  - fast effort except WU/CD
am  - Coach Team Challenge
pm - Swim 3750 yd, 1:10
200S, 200K, 400P w/pads, buoy, 200Fr - long stroke
2 x (4 x 50 Fr on :55 (intended RI 15); 400Fr RI 60 - alternate breathing)
3 x 500 Fr steady on 8:30 (intended RI 45) - slooooow! was feeling my being sick
50CD - had to stop - cramps, fatigue
am - Road ride 5 hours (moving time 4:45) Home past San Onorfre and return - via El Camino thru Carlsbad more hills that planned or wanted - 17.40 mph average
Fuel - no breakfast except water, 3 MAPS tabs (master amino pattern), ~10 spirulina Energy Bits, 1 multivitamin. Took in water mixed with Osmo Active Hydration - ~20oz/hr, 70cal/hr - total 90oz, 350 cal.
pm - none - coaching

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