08 January 2015

Run... But Don't Lose Your Life Doing It

Last Sunday I was doing a 12 mile run. I often run on a 2 1/2 or 3 mile loop of wide road divided by a green belt. During my run I passed 16 people going in the opposite direction that I was going. These were people of all ages. Some were walking, some running, and one was even pushing a stroller. They were going WITH traffic and had NO IDEA if there were cars driving up on them from behind and NO IDEA if they were in any sort of danger.

I had a friend of a friend lose her life a couple of weeks ago while running on the road (in another city). She was running WITH traffic, with her back to it. And she was dressed in dark clothing. Please don't let this be you. If you're running in a bike lane or on the street then you need to run AGAINST (facing) traffic. You have a better chance of avoiding danger. If it's twilight or dark out then wear appropriate clothing - light colored and reflective. And wear LED-type lights. If you’re in the bike lane be considerate of cyclists – don’t force THEM into the roadway. And while you're at it, make sure you carry a cell phone and let someone know where you're going and when you'll be back.
There is one precaution you do need to take when running against traffic. Be extra aware of drivers coming from a side street on your left. They may not be watching for you, will often be looking to their left and may not check to their right, which is the direction you’re coming from.

Walking against traffic when there’s no sidewalk used to be taught in elementary school. I don’t think this is part of the “curriculum” anymore. Teach your kids if you have them. Teach your grandkids if you have them.

As Coach Diane Buchta says, run facing traffic so at least you get the license plate of the person that hit you! Be safe out there!

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