23 March 2008

Sunday, 23 March 2008

8:30am Swim 2,200 yd, ~37 min; road Bike 23.2 miles, 1:37:20
swim at PureFitness (YMCA closed for Easter)
400 Fr stepladder - up only - on :45/50, RIx :30
8 x 50, 4 x 100, 2 x 200 P w/buoy, 1 x 400
Quick shower and change for bike ride.

Road bike start at PureFitness, laps on Poinsettia (5.52) 1.1 + 22.08
1:37:20; HR ave 117; 851 cal
Zone 4- 0, 3- 58:57, 2- 27:16, 1- 9:08
lap 1 included ride from PureFitness
lap 2- 22:29
3- 22:34
4- 24:47 (including ~1 min stop at traffic light)
Really feeling yesterday's long run. Back off most effort and didn't push things very hard as evidenced by HR and zones.

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