22 March 2008

Saturday, 22 March 2008

8:00am Long Run - 22.1 miles, 3:58:33; walk 10 min
Walk and jog warmup - ~.8 - ~11 min
14 - 1.52 mile laps, walk every ~4-5 min for 1 min
HR ave 134; 2658 cal
16.19 - HR ave135
16.08 - 141/130
15.39 - 145/134
16.08 - 144/132
16.03 - 143/132
15.59 - 147/134
16.32 - 146/135
16.04 - 147/135
16.17 - 146/135
16.26 - 147/136
16.13 - 150/138
16.25 - 151/140
16.30 - 150/141
16.51 - 150/140
Zone 5- 5:31, 4- 2:07:38, 3- 1:18:09, 2- 17:58, 1- 4:23
2 more long runs after this one, before June 1 marathon. I ran this too fast. Too much time spent in zone 4 and especially zone 5. Laps ~5-8 clicked and felt good. Last 4 laps very difficult. Consumed ~50 oz of liquid, mostly Hammer protein/carb fuel. Ate a banana and 1 gel 10 min before start. Bathroom urges started around lap 5 or 6 and went away after about lap 9.

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