02 December 2008

Tuesday 2 December 2008

5:50am Swim 3300 yd, 65 min; Weightlifting, Run 6.2 miles, 61 min
200 Mtn Fr P on 45/50
4 x 100 K, alt Fly on 2:10, Fr on 2:20
100 S
mainset 8 x 100 Fr on 1:25 - 1:20-122 (arms felt heavy)
mainset 12 x 25 Fr Sprint on 35
6 x 50 Fr P on 45

Weightlifting 2 sets of 15
Run 6.2 miles (+walk ~.3), 61 min at flat YMCA "track"
w.u. ~20min/2 miles, HR132/121
7 x (1 min sprint, 3 min recovery), HR154/135
c.d. ~15 min/ ~1.4 miles HR ave 126
HR154/128; 632 cal

Plan was to do 8 sprints. Started feeling discomfort (not the hard work kind) toward end of #6. Should have stopped there. I beginning to question the physical cost of the speed work in the training plan I'm following. Considering modifications. I'm still in what is considered the base phase.

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